This folder contains a demo package for Boris Effects™ software. It is free and may be distributed to anyone interested in TV style 3D effects.
1. Boris Effects™ Demo - a plug-in module which will work in Adobe Premiere or Media 100 host application.
2. Boris Bundled Effects folder - contains keyframe settings for bundled effects.
3. BE Tutorial - MS Word document with tutorial on Boris Effects.
4. BE Refence - MS Word document with reference on Boris Effects.
5. Logo for Tutorial - Photoshop Pict file with alpha channel logo.
This demo includes a complete version of the shipping software with one extra feature: your rendered effects will have a black circle or oval shape placed on all images.
System Requirements:
Boris Effects requires Adobe Premiere or Media 100 version 2.02 or 2.5.1 or greater and a Power Macintosh. The Plug-In will not work in any 68K based computer (Quadra, etc.) It is optimized to take advantage of PPC Floating Point Unit for high quality image processing.
To Install:
Copy the plug-in to the plug-in folder of your M100 or Premiere folder. In case of M100 use DVE subfolder. In case of Premiere, make sure that you have only one copy of Adobe Premiere folder on all mounted drives. Sometimes Premiere loads plug-ins from a "wrong" folder.
Retail price:
Boris Effects™ for Media 100 $695 (US).
Boris Effects™ for Adobe Premiere $350 (US).
M100 plug-in works in both M100 and Premiere. Adobe Premiere plug-in only works in Premiere.
To order the product:
Contact your local M100 dealer or
Artel Software, Inc.
P.O.Box 1877
Brookline, MA 02146
Tel. 617-566-0870
Fax. 617-731-6787
About the Software:
Boris Effects™ is a digital video special effects generator for Adobe Premiere and Media 100 that makes it easy to compose custom effects in three dimensions with a wide variety of attributes.
Boris Effects is essentially a two channel DVE (Digital Video Effects) generator, complete with variable interpolation, matte manipulation, and multiple (up to 20) keyframes. In short, Boris Effects will enable you to make all those cool effects you see on broadcast news and sports programming.
Boris Effects isn't just a set of pre-packaged, pre-set effects (though it does come with many effects already made for you). Boris Effects enables you to make your own effects, any way you like, and save them for later use or modification.
With Boris Effects, you can simultaneously spin, tumble, rotate, and re-size one or two channels of full motion video. You can set these attributes in just about any combination you can conceive of, and make them change over time as well.
You can add borders and drop shadows, making them fully opaque or transparent, and in any color you like. And you can make them change over time, too.
Using the Matte controls, you can "fly in" titles, logos, or any graphic element containing an alpha channel. If you can turn a graphic into a Pict file, you can use it in Boris Effects.
Boris Effects is powerful, but it's easy to learn. You'll find all of the controls on a single control panel, and the preview window is constantly updated so you can see what you're doing.
About the company:
Artel Software Inc. was founded in 1995 with a goal of developing and marketing high quality video effects software.
Artel's founder, Boris Yamnitsky, formerly of Data Translation has many years of software development and consulting specializing in complex mathematical algorithms. Most recently he created the FX Option for Media 100, included with software releases 1.0 and 1.1
Doug Feinburg of Thunder Sky Pictures, Boston, Massachusetts works with Artel Software as a video and product management consultant.
Translated from Russian, "Artel" means a small shop of artisans. The company plans to become an efficient and focused group, responding to the needs of creative people in the video and multimedia industries.